Saturday, March 27, 2021

First leg of Rainbow 6 Won by 5-2 Favorite

Sayyaaf, the 5-2 favorite , won Saturday's ninth  race at Gulfstream to start the Rainbow 6 on Florida Derby  day.

The carryover coming in was $951,991, Bettors added $7,319,661 to the Rainbow 6 pool---on a day with a mandatory payout on the jackpot in the 20 cents per combination-only bet.

The race was a $62,500 allowance/optional claimer at one mile on turf for 4-YO  and up.

Sayyaaf led at every call and won in the fast time of 1:32,17.  Jacier Castellano  rode him for trainer Todd Pletchcr.

Total wagering on the ninth race was $9,563,747.  Our review of earlier races indicates that Gulfstream could break its all-time non-Breeders' Cup handle record of $53,841,165 set on Florida Derby  day  last year.

There are 14 races today and clear skies--the same as last year.

W e will have updates on remaining stakes races along with a preview and coverage of the Florida Derby. It is the 14th race, with scheduled post of 6:40 p.m.

nm The ninth race is coming up at Gulfstream with post of 3:37 p.m.

t wl be the stat o thew Rainbow 6 on Florida Derby dy.

In addition yo  the race results we wil be tracking the handlle.

On Floria Derby day last yearm kfstgream's totl hand;le for 1e4 races was $53m841m165.  That srt a Gukfstream ecord excepty for the dayds in 1898 1989, 19923 and 1999 wheb n  it had the Florida Breeders;' Cup.

Today;='s cad hs 1r eces. The Rauinbo 6 haas  $951m,991 on an  xcarryover on a mnsdatory payout day. Gulfstream anricuiopafere stht wagering on the Rainbw 6 wll b more thna $78.5 milllion

Ealy indictions are that last year's record coud be challengedd.

The ninth rac i a $62m,5000 allownce/optionl claier at oen  mile on tur for -year-ods

W swilo hve that result plusa preview of the Late Pick 5--with a $750m00 guaaanteed on the pool. Gulfstgream also has a $750,000 gaaranntee on he Late Pick 4.

The ninth race 

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