Monday, February 15, 2021

GP Rainbow 6 Carryover is $83,722 on Wednesday, Following Sunday's Large Betting Pool

HRFLA Staff Report

Gulfstream  Park  began a new Rainbow 6 pool on Sunday, and amid heavy wagering each ticket with all six winning horses was paid $690.80 on the 20 cents per combination-only bet.

There were 282 winning tickets, according to  HorseRacingFLA's review of Equibase charts. Program numbers of the winning horses were 3-3-4-1-7-1. Odds on the wining horses were 5-1 or loswer.

Sunday's wagering on the Rainbow 6 was $348,162.

Our review of Equibase charts indicates that was Gulfstream's second highest Rainbow 6 handle on the first day of a new pool at least since August 2015, when we began tracking Gulfstream handle.

The highest was $493,421 on May 10, 2020 which also was  a Sunday. 

Gulfstream will be dark Monday and Tuesday.

It will resume Wednesday with ten races and first post of 1:10 p.m.

The carryover on the Rainbow 6 will be $83,722.  It will be on races five to ten, with the sequence scheduled to start at 3:10 p.m.

Gulfstream is guaranteeing that the payout will be at least $250,000 if there is just one ticket with all six winning horses. If the day's new bet plus the carryover  is less than $250,000, Gulfstream will put in the difference.

Record First-Day Pool

The record first-day Rainbow 6 bets was on a Sunday last year during an early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic when the vast majority of U.S. thoroughbred tracks did not have racing.  

Gulfstream was one of a handful of tracks that were running in early May, and it gained substantial off-track handle from fans whose favorite tracks were not running. 

Gulfstream has been racing without spectators since last March 15. Lone exceptions have  been in luxury suites and what it calls "private viewing" on a limited basis since December.

It had restaurant  areas on its second and third floors open on Pegasus day which was Jan. 23.

But in its current championship meet, Gulfstream is on a total handle pace similar to 2019-2020 when it set its all-time record of $11.3 million in average daily all-sources handle.

Gulfstream had total handle of $11,908,285 for eleven races on Sunday and $20,096,431 for twelve races on Saturday (including $5,831,817 on the Rainbow 6).

Gulfstream does not routinely provide breakdowns of the sources of its handle. But it apparently is among tracks that have benefited from the past year's increase in advance deposit wagering.

On Saturday, Gulfstream had a highly publicized mandatory payout of the Rainbow 6 jackpot--regardless of the number of tickets with all six winners. 

The jackpot is made up of the entire coming in carryover and 80 percent of the day's new Rainbow 6 bet.

Gulfstream usually makes that payout only when there is just one ticket with all six winners.

On non-mandatory days with multiple winning tickets, such as Sunday, Gulfstream takes out 20 percent of the day's Rainbow 6 bet.  It then divides 56 percent among tickets with six winners and adds 24 percent  to the carryover.

Saturday Results

On Saturday, the coming-in carryover on the Rainbow 6 was $1,048,970. 

Each ticket with all six winners paid $17,215.86 on a 20 c ent bet . There were 332 winning tickets, according to HRFLA's review of Equibase charts.  

Program numbers of the six winning horses were 5-6-12-6-5-3.



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