Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Gulfstream Rainbow 6 Carryover Starts at $36,579

Gulfstream Park will have a Rainbow 6  carryover of $36.579 and a Super Hi-5   carryover of $9,580  on the first race  when it resumes racing  on Wednesday.

First  post is 12:35 p.m. for  a ten-race card.

The  Rainbow  6  will  be  on races five to ten, with the  sequence scheduled to start at 2:37 p.m.

The  Rainbow 6  is in the second day of  a cycle that began this past Sunday  Feb. 10.

That foliowed Saturday's  mandatory "jackpot" payout, where bettors  wound up dividing about $7.0 million. 


That consisted of the entire $1,509,422 carryover, built up over 23 days, and 80  percent of the day's new bets 
$6,754,787 on the  Rainbow  6  (20 percent takeout).

There were 88 tickets with   all six winners. Each was paid $100,919.88 on the 20-cent bet.

Bettors put $152,466 into the Rainbow 6 on Sunday.

There were eleven tickets with the winning horses in all six  races.  Each was paid $8,128.74  on the 20-cent  only bet.

Per its rules on non-mandatory payout days Gulfstream  took  out  20 percent of  the day's  bets, divided 56 percent among tickets with six  winners and  put  24 percent into the new carryover.

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